Key Facts 2023

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  • Key Facts 2023

1. Gala Events

The Gala Events of BASIS SoftExpo 2023 will commence with agrand Inaugural and finish with an Award Night followed by the Closing Ceremony. Honorable Ministers, distinguished senior secretaries of different ministries and divisions, well-known parliamentarians, ambassadors from other countries, and representatives from other countries in the information technology sector will attend these events.It is anticipated that 2,000 participants will take part in the opening and closing celebrations.

2. Anchor Events/Big Events

BASIS SoftExpo 2023 will include 7 anchor/big events which are as below,

  • IT Job Fair and Career Camp: An IT Job Fair and Career Camp will be held as one of the focus events in the BASIS SoftExpo 2023. It is anticipated that around 100 university students will take part in the IT Career Camp. Out of the 1000 attendees who will be participating, there will be more than 500 IT companies.
  • Freelancers Conference: This conference on freelancers will have a total of 1000 attendees, making it the largest of its kind. Outsourcing-related topics such as Business process outsourcing (BPO), BMO, BKO, the national strength of foreign clients, as well as institutional capacity in the world, etc. will be discussed at the conference.
  • Startup Conference: Startup events in BASIS SoftExpo 2023 is going to bring together investors, venture capitalists, angel investors, banks, non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs), and policy makers to discuss a variety of topics concerning the advantages and disadvantages of starting a business as well as initiatives undertaken by the government. It is anticipated that there will be a total of 1,000 participants present at the Startup event.
  • Developers Conference: Around 1,000 participants are expected to take part in the Developer Conference, which will provide both seasoned and novice ICT developers with the opportunity to share their expertise and capitalize on the opportunities presented by the expanding field.
  • CXO Night: The CXO event in BASIS SoftExpo 2023 is an invitation only event. CXO night will host tech-giants and leading executives from Global 1,000 businesses focusing on cutting edge technology.
  • B2B Matchmaking: It is expected that 200 B2B matchmaking sessions will take place in BASIS SoftExpo 2023 with a chance of following-up on business leads. 100 national and international clients will participate in 200 B2B matchmaking in 20 tables.
  • Global Trade-body Conference: At the Global Trade Body Conference, BASIS will provide an overview of the ICT industry to the top trade organizations from around 200 nations.

3. Knowledge Sessions

  • Roundtables and Policy Dialogues: This year, in total 10 roundtables and policy dialogues will be arranged where policymakers, ICT business leaders, enthusiastic national and international level speakers, influencers, and motivators will have discussions under one roof. These sessions will focus on dynamic issues such as awareness and capacity-building programs, E-Commerce, cyber security, etc.
  • Seminars: BASIS SoftExpo 2023 will arrange 20 seminars along with the roundtable meetings and policy dialogues focusing on diverse topics such as strength of the Bangladesh ICT industry, professional framework for HR development, scope for industry-academia collaboration, etc.
  • Technical Sessions: There will be 10 technical sessions focusing on frontier and 4IR techs, Digital Marketing, etc., participated by technical experts.