Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services
Tanvir Hossain Khan began his professional journey in 2011 and has since worked on a number of companies. He founded his own company Dreamerz Lab in 2015 which is the first company to commercially work with XR technologies in the global market from Bangladesh.
His vision is always to put the tech industry first by empowering the industry with 4IR technologies, especially with Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality as well as for the gaming industry. He arranged the first-ever gaming expo where he brought all the gaming industry under one platform including gamers, developers, game development companies etc.
After that, he deployed the first commercial XR solutions in the automobile industry for UK based customers. He is also focusing on a very major problem in our industry that is skilled human resources. For which, he started contributing by collaborating with BHTPA, ICT Ministry, EMK Center. Avatar Digital VRARA as a trainer, mentor and consultant to design and conduct training programs based on XR Apps & Game Development.
He further collaborated with EMK Center, A2i & BTEP to develop competency standard guidelines based on which we can devise authentic training programs to build skilled human labour for 4IR technologies especially in the field of AR, VR, MR & Gaming Industry.
He always believes any problem can be solved if we can all work as one and from that idea his belief is “Collaboration is Always Better than Competition.”
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