23rd Feb 2023, Thursday
Big Show
10 Speaker(s)
03:00pm - 05:00pm
Big Tent
The Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS) will host BASIS Softexpo 2023, a large ICT exposition in the South Asia region, from February 23-26, 2023. Bangladesh has made significant progress in digital transformation, utilizing the opportunities provided by Information and Communication Technology (ICT). An increasing number of women are now involved in this important sector, indicating positive growth previously not seen in this field. BASIS has played a vital role in maintaining this trend by initiating programs such as the BASIS Women's Forum (BWF), empowering women to pursue ICT careers regardless of their educational background. As part of this consistency, BASIS and Bangladesh Women in Technology (BWIT) will host the "Inclusion of Women in Smart Bangladesh" conference during the SoftExpo on February 23, 2023, at 3 pm. This session will discuss the potential opportunities, challenges, and steps to be taken for women's involvement in shaping the IT sector of Bangladesh. This inclusion of women is crucial to the flourishing of the sector and the economy. The discussants are expected to offer valuable suggestions on how to overcome these challenges to ensure women's inclusion in the ICT industry, which may pave the way for achieving the target of Smart Bangladesh by 2041.
Programme Details:
Chief Guest: Ms. Selina Hayat Ivy, Honorable Mayor of Narayanganj City Corporation.
Special Guest:
1. Prof. Dr. Shireen Akhter, Vice Chancellor of University of Chittagong.
2. Rubana Huq, Vice Chancellor, Asian University for Women.
3. Barrister Nihad Kabir, Chairperson of Business Initiative Leading Development (BUILD).
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Lafifa Jamal, Professor, Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering, University of Dhaka.
Guest Speaker:
Moderator: Mr. Ghulam Sumdany Don, Chief Inspirational Officer, Don Sumdany Facilitation and Consultancy.
Professor, Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering
University of Dhaka
Senior Vice President
Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services
Chief Executive Officer
Dun & Bradstreet Data & Analytics Private Limited
Chief Inspirational Officer
Don Sumdany Facilitation and Consultancy
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