
Freelancers Conference

  • Date

    23rd Feb 2023, Thursday

  • Type

    Big Show

  • Speakers

    11 Speaker(s)

  • Total Attendance


  • Time

    06:00pm - 08:00pm

  • Venue

    Big Tent



This conference on freelancing is geared towards those individuals keen on exploring the concept of freelancing and its numerous applications in businesses and organizations. Participants will include anyone with an interest in freelancing as a tool for improving business operations or reducing costs. 

This will be an opportunity to learn about the latest developments, trends, and best practices in freelancing through a series of keynote speakers and hands-on experience. Please take note that there will be three distinct sessions, each with its unique takeaway:

1.  Global Skill Demand Trends for Freelancers: Forecasting the Future of Freelancing (40 mins)          

This upcoming session promises an in-depth analysis of prevailing trends in the worldwide market for freelance services. Our honorable speakers will focus on the latest skills and industries that are in high demand. They will also delve into the impact of technological advancements on the need for freelance skills, examine the current developments in remote work, and scrutinize the gig economy.

As attendees, participants will gain valuable insights on how to prepare themselves for the changing landscape of work and prosper in a dynamic market. We also aim to highlight the crucial role played by Bangladeshi freelancers at the forefront of this paradigm shift.

2. Discovering New Markets for Freelancers: Innovations and Strategies for Expansion (40 mins)

In today's ever-evolving global economy, the emergence of new markets presents a considerable opportunity for Bangladeshi freelancers to foster the growth of their businesses and extend their reach.

During this session, our distinguished speakers will delve into the strategies that freelancers can employ to identify and analyze burgeoning markets for their services, highlighting the potential for growth and profitability. 

This workshop will equip the attendees with indispensable insights and techniques for formulating a robust and sustainable plan for establishing a strong foothold in new markets, navigating legal and regulatory challenges along the way.

3.  Building Million-Dollar Freelancing Agencies: Mastering the Art of Growth and Sustainability (40 mins)

At BASIS, we believe that crafting a thriving million-dollar freelancing agency requires a distinct amalgamation of competencies and methodologies. In this session, attendees will gain valuable insights on scaling a freelance business and constructing a self-sustaining and prosperous agency.

Distinguished panelists will delve into talent management and enhancement, tackling critical facets such as hiring, retention, and professional growth. We will also discuss financial management and sustainability approaches for a thriving freelancing agency based in Bangladesh.

By the end of this session, attendees will be equipped with actionable steps to propel their freelancing business to new heights of success.


Special Guest

Professor Dr. Nazrul Islam

Pro-Vice Chancellor

Northern University Bangladesh

Special Guest

Md.Humayun Kabir

Learning Earning Development Project

Ict Division

Special Guest

Kamrun Nahar Siddiqua

Joint Secretary

National Skill Development Authority

Keynote speaker

Dr. Tanjiba Rahman


Bangldesh Freeelancer Development Society

Keynote speaker

Mahfuz Rahman

General Secretary

Bangldesh Freeelancer Development Society


Md Zahidul Islam Neel

Team Lead

Bangladesh Community Leadership Team, Fiverr


Abdullah Al Faruk




Golam Kamruzzaman

Top Rated Freelancer at

Fiverr and Upwork


Abu Sufian Nilove


Nijol creative


Sanjib Sarkar

Market Development Head-New Market

Payoneer Bangladesh

Session Moderator

Emrazina Islam

